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About Us

We are proud to be part of Round Table – an apolitical organization, active in over 60 countries with over 36,000 members, young men who have decided to be active community members and contribute to society. We are proud that all of Round Table activities are on a pure volunteer basis, whereby no one receives compensation

Round Table Israel 5 comprises of 20 tablers, from the Tel Aviv and Central area in Israel and is one of the five active tables in Round Table Israel
Alongside of great friendships and comeradery, Round Table 5 has set its goal of volunteership, providing assistance and giving to our community. Most of our projects are geared to assist children and young adults, coming from lower socioeconomic settings, helping these kids get an equal chance to succeed – guiding them to become productive and good citizens in the future.
We beloeve that, as in every society, that everyone needs an equal opportunity to receive an education, tools to guide in them for a successful future, and a loving helping hand. Even with the best will, we cannot anticipate that the government and local agencies can cover all ends and draw all people together. We believe that when one person opens is hand to another we reach a community and society with high personal values and one where love and assistance to one another cherish.
We cannot express in words the happiness, the spark in the eyes of the children each time we are there for them, in any of our activities. The personal satisfaction we as volunteers have is also beyond anything words can express.

  • “Excellence in “’Kommemiut’”. ‘Kommemiut’ is a small school comprised of children from single-parent homes, foreign workers and other homes which struggle to make ends meet. Parents of these children, who have difficulties in adapting, and difficulties in bringing bread to the table, cannot support all the needs of their children, and cannot motivate them to build their own successful lives. Round Table has initiated a special educational program in the school, based on the most advanced educational technologies and techniques. The program is geared to teach children how to reach their highest personal potential, raising their self-image and esteem – elements so important for children who grow up in these conditions. Through the program they also become exposed to new areas of studies in arts, science and languages.


  • “Music in “’Tokayer’”. Tokayer is a special education school for children arriving from a boarding school. These children were placed in the boarding schools by welfare agents who deemed the parents not fit to raise them. Understanding the therapeutic effect in music, a major Israeli pop star has volunteered to work with the children on writing, singing and composing music. Round Table furnished the school with a state of the art recording studio and radio station


  • Round Table House “”New Way’” – A club for children of immigrants from Ethiopia. Round Table established and supports this club for many years. The children arrive from homes whereby the cultural gaps are high and parents with difficulties to adapt to the Western world. At the club, the children receive help in preparing homework, extracurricular activities and a place to go to receive a helping loving hand instead of wandering in the streets. Round Table also takes them on field trips and activities during school vacations


  • “Round Table House in Memory of Ilan Ramon*”. In Beer Sheva – Provides extracurricular activities for needy children all across the southern city of Beer. Sheva, The house, run by the community is also a center for leadership and volunteership for young adults – whereby children who were once recipients of aid, now volunteer themselves as active members of their community. Round Table supports the House financially and in designing the various educational programs*Ilan Ramon was the first Israeli astronaut. He perished on the fatal mission of the United States Spaceship Columbia


  • “Round Table House in the Orchard ”- Supported by Round Table assists needy children on a daily basis , in preparing homework, and other activities they do not receive elsewhere, The building, which began as a storefront is rented and was renovated by Round Table, to include a library, work areas etc.


  • Community Center for Holocaust Survivors – Supported by various organizations to include Round Table. Tablers arrive a few times a year to support functions and bring happiness to these elderly people


  • -Young Tablers- Round Table 5 works with a local junior high school, forming a group of students who volunteer with us and take part in the various activities mentioned above. These students are the Round Tablers of the future

Round Table 5 Activities

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